Exploring the psychological and psychosocial effects of facial disfigurement on the lived experience of head and neck cancer patients: a structed literature review (SLR)

Thursday, February 22, 2024 15:45 - 16:15

Living with facial disfigurement following treatment for head and neck cancer causes significant difficulties in the everyday life’s of patients; physically, emotionally, psychologically and psychosocially. This structured literature review explores the lived experience of people affected by altered appearance.  It highlights the importance of open dialogue with health professionals, access to information, social support and acceptance in enabling people to adjust to their changed appearance and reintegrating into society.  In addition, given the improvement in survival it is important that healthcare professionals are educated to deal with the issues that affect the everyday lives of patients.

Yolande Borthwick, Lymphoedema Specialist/ University Lecturer, Strathcarron Hospice/University of Glasgow